COTE Presents: Framework for Design Excellence

By AIA Philadelphia (other events)

2 Dates Through Jun 24, 2021

In 2019 the AIA adopted the Framework for Design Excellence as the set of guidelines and requirements to assess project performance, recognizing that Design is not just about aesthetic components, but how buildings perform for people.  Along with many of our peer Chapters, AIA Philadelphia has taken the lead on incorporating the Framework into our Design Awards program over the past three years.  The Framework for Design Excellence is made up of 10 measures, formerly known as the COTE Top Ten.     

As in 2020, this year’s jurors will review the information provided in the Sustainability Metrics Form as part of the traditional Project Submission for all projects, not  only projects that are interested in a sustainability recognition.  Each project submitted must have a Form filled out in order to be a complete submission. The Form is intended to be downloaded, filled out, converted to PDF, and submitted in the complete package.       

In addition, the same Form is again being used for the AIA PA Design Awards this year as well.  Join leaders from the AIA Philadelphia Committee on the Environment (COTE) for an in-depth review of the Form, focusing on how to use it, how it works, and how it should fit into your overall Project Submission.  We will include a question-and-answer portion, so please feel free to download and explore it in advance of the session.  

Learning Objectives:

1.) Participants will be able to describe the goals of the AIA Framework for Design Excellence, as a response to climate change, social equity, and green building.

2.) Participants will be able to use, manage, and complete the Design Awards Framework for Design Excellence that focuses on the Framework 10 Measures.

3.) Participants will engage in a live on-screen example of utilizing the Design Awards form based on an actual project selected from participant suggestions.

4.) Participants will be asked to provide direct feedback on the Design Awards form, the goals of the AIA Framework and how it fosters the mission of the AIA.



Mailing Address

1218 Arch St Philadelphia, PA 19107